Ottawa: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says new federal data shows that COVID-19 is in decline across Canada but the country is not out of the woods.
Trudeau says a new modelling report will be released later today that shows many communities are seeing very low numbers of new cases and most of them can be traced.
He says it is encouraging that the virus is “slowing and in some places even stopping’’ but in some places there are still large numbers of new cases.
Trudeau says the continuing threat means that as more people start returning to working outside their homes, adhering to physical distancing measures and wearing masks remains very important.
He says the country also has to do better at testing and tracing contacts of people who contract the novel coronavirus to stamp out flare-ups.
There are more than 91,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the country but outside of Quebec and Ontario the number of new cases being identified each day is very low.
The Canadian Press