The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be confusing with references to keywords, metadata, tags and content regularly thrown around. SEO is key to website visibility and content is a large part of the strategy. But not just any content. It needs to be well written, relevant and optimised for search rankings.

Make the best of your content by optimizing it for the search engines with these three simple steps;

Make the most of metadata

Metadata determines what a search engine displays when your page shows up in a search. It includes title, description and keywords. Title metadata is the most important of the three. It is what search users first see and is the determinant whether or not they are interested in your page.

Description metadata refers to the small 50-150 character blurb shown under the title giving a quick window into what to expect from the page.

Keyword metadata is the least important of the three but shouldn’t be dismissed. While keywords aren’t typically used to determine search engine rankings, I strongly recommend that you sprinkle them throughout all of your metadata. Doing so will make it more likely people can find your site when searching.

Create relevant, linkable content

The best SEO content is engaging, informative, relevant to the search topic and easy to read. The key is to create articles and webpages that will capture the reader’s attention and keep them on your site.

The better your content is, the more likely other sites will want to link to it. Content linked this way is called a Backlink and is an easy way to influence the search engines. Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another and are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content.

Utilize “alt” tags

Search engines and other robots cannot interpret images (pictures, videos, etc.), but images can and do play a crucial part in how people react to your web page. Alt tags make these images “visible” by providing text which is readable by the search engines. This gives you the opportunity to add keyword metadata without having to sacrifice content.

Take away

SEO content is an important online marketing tool and should be continuously reviewed and updated to ensure you are optimizing your website to rank higher in searches. A website that is well optimized for search engines “speaks the same language” as its potential visitor base helping to connect searchers to your site.

If your website is already ranking high, congratulations. If not, give us a call, we are SEO experts who can deliver content that make the search engines sing.

Bob Milliken is a master marketer specializing in helping businesses achieve outrageous levels of success. Bob can be reached by phone at 604.270.1730 or by email at